Entrance to the Fitness Center You got tired of the diet programs that have been left unfinished and useless for so many years, and you fina...
Entrance to the Fitness Center
You got tired of the diet programs that have been left unfinished and useless for so many years, and you finally decided to sign up for fitness, saying that it will not work like this.
Congratulations for finding the right path, even if it's late.
Since you are entering a new environment, you may feel unfamiliar for the first few days. This has happened to all of us, there is nothing to be afraid of.
You will make new friendships in your new environment and gain a healthier, more beautiful body.
From time to time, new members who registered a few weeks before you may try to tutor you.
It's a fitness tradition. Let them experience a few minutes of your teaching without breaking their hearts.

If the hall you register to is a large place, the instructors will mark the movements you need to do on a piece of paper and leave you alone with your fate after a few minutes of training.
If you want more attention, they will offer you paid personal training.
This is a bit of a matter of chance; you may pay thousands of liras and not receive a proper education.
Remember, everyone can build bodybuilding, but not everyone can be a trainer.
Anyway, don't worry, we are with you. We will teach you all the intricacies and all the tricks of this sport.
This fitness program has been prepared to adapt your body, which has not done sports for a long time or at all, to fitness sports.
I know very well that you want to run to all the machines and try them one by one.
Your eyes are always on the bench press bench and you want to put on the weights, test your strength and motivate yourself.
First of all, we need to activate all your muscles. In your first month, you will work with minimum weights without overloading.
If you take a look at the relevant articles when I give the names of the exercises, you can learn in detail how they are done, which muscles they work and the tips.
First of all, I would like to talk about the muscle groups in fitness sports. We will prepare your fitness program according to these groups.
According to body fitness muscle building sport; It is divided into 7 groups: Chest, Shoulder, Back, Arm, Abdomen, Hip, Leg and Abdomen.
In advanced programs, one muscle group is trained every day. Additions can be made from small muscle groups depending on the size of the muscle group being worked.
For example, biceps (forearm) exercises can be added to chest training. Triceps (rear arm) is included in shoulder training.
Back and leg muscles are generally not added since they are large muscle groups.
The reason for this is that we need protein for muscle development, and the amount of protein we consume may not be enough for both large and small muscle groups.
This is a very detailed topic. I may write an article in the future.
Before offering you a regional program, I will give you a program that will exercise all your muscle groups so that you can adapt to fitness.
We will also move to a regional program in the future.
Our fitness program will be a 3-day program a week. It is very important that you rest the day after training.
Remember that muscles grow while sleeping and resting, not while working.
There is no rule that says you have to start on this day. You can decide the days you will go to the gym depending on your work or school situation.
Fitness Program 1st Month Content
The first two exercises, the treadmill and the elliptical bike, will aim to increase your fitness.
If you have an excess weight problem, it will start burning fat and ensure that your body stays warm and sweats throughout the workout.
In other movements, if you keep the breaks between sets for 45 seconds, your body will not cool down.
The next two movements will work both your leg and hip muscles. Leg press exercises your front leg, back leg and hip muscles. Calf exercise works your calves, that is, your calves.
Dumbbell bench press exercise is very suitable for those who are new to fitness in terms of chest development. You need a little more time for bench press.
Dumbbell shoulder press works your shoulder muscles. Ideal for starters. In advanced level programs, we can use heavier and more effective shoulder movements with barbells.
Barbell curl and Triceps push down exercises are basic movements for arm development. Barbell curls develop your biceps, and Triceps push down develops your triceps, or rear arm muscles.
Crunch exercise will really work your abdominal muscles.
This is an easy and effective way to get rid of fat.
If you are working or studying, be careful not to stay up too late. Keep in mind that the busiest hours of the fitness center are between 19:00 and 20:00.
I told you to keep set times within 45 seconds.
If you have to wait in line for machines or benches during crowded hours, switch to a different exercise instead of prolonging your workout or standing upright.
(Set duration: The rest period required to start the next set after doing 10 repetitions)Now let's start getting to know the movements in our fitness program.
Don't push yourself too hard on the first day. Walk for 5 minutes at 4 km speed. In the remaining 5 minutes, speed up to 6 km and walk quickly.
If you've never used a treadmill before, it may make you a little dizzy. I think the fact that the legs are walking while the eyes perceive the surroundings as stable confuses the brain a bit.
You will get rid of it after a few uses.
This exercise will be the first movement that will start you sweating. Do cardio every day and pay attention to your nutrition until your excess fat disappears.
The elliptical bike puts you into intense cardio by using both your leg and arm muscles.
This is good news. They have already started to develop.
Use the machine at medium speed for 5 minutes. I'm sure you'll find it easier day by day.
Do not enter high weights because your body is still raw. Otherwise, you'll leave the hall with shaky legs.
Note: Never skip leg exercises. Thin legs do not look good on a large body.
If you search “never skip leg day” on Google images, you will understand what I mean.
After exercising our leg muscles, we can move on to our calf muscles, that is, the calf part.
Even though we develop our front and back upper legs, we cannot achieve a beautiful appearance unless the calves are developed.
If you have a Smith machine in your gym, you can do this move. Otherwise, take a dumbbell in each hand and stand on your toes with your body upright.
Lie on a flat bench and hold low-weight dumbbells, such as 5 kg, in both hands. As shown in the example, push it together and up from your chest level (until there is a few cm left, it will not fully touch).
Make your downloads a little slower than your lifting speed. You will exhale as you push and inhale as you lower. If you maintain breathing coordination, training will be more efficient.
It's time to exercise your shoulder muscles. Position the adjustable bench in its fully upright position.
Take two low weight dumbbells. As seen in the example, with your palms facing forward, start pushing from your head level and push until the dumbbells are a few cm away from touching each other at the top.
When lowering, lower it down to your head level and start pushing again without waiting.
This back exercise is done on a Lat pulldown machine. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart and grasp the bar.
At the moment of pulling, pull the bar towards your upper chest, without moving your upper body too much. When releasing the bar, swing at a slower speed than your pulling speed.
This exercise will develop your back and wing muscles. Choose low weights to start with.
Let's exercise the forearm a little bit. Since we are just starting out, an ez-bar (Z-shaped bar) instead of a straight bar will make our job easier. Since it is more comfortable to hold, we can lift higher weights.
It would also be useful to take a glove. Otherwise, hands may develop calluses over time.
Open your feet one shoulder width apart. Start the movement with your hands in a vertical position towards the floor and lift the weight up to your chest. When downloading, download slower. The reason for this is to benefit from the negative weight.
The only way to have a wide arm is to work both triceps and biceps.
You may have developed your biceps muscle over the years while doing work, moving house, or carrying bags from the grocery store .The back arm (triceps) is the biggest factor that will determine the size of your arm.
Attach the appropriate weight to the triceps pushdown machine and push the bar down using only your arms.
Your arms should start moving parallel to the ground, and when you push the bar down, it should be exactly perpendicular to the ground. So you will be working between a 90 degree angle.
You don't need to put your hands behind your head. This does no good, on the contrary, it will cause your back to hurt.
Keep both hands next to your forehead. Bend your knees and press the floor.
Inhale and raise your upper body up to a 45 degree angle. The trick here is to think that you are a caterpillar while doing the movement (
) .If you do not crunch like a caterpillar but do a straight crunch, your Pectienus, Adductor longus, Adductor magnus and Gracilis muscles, which extend from the inner leg to your pelvis, will work, not your abdominal muscles.
Important Tips for Fitness Program
Our beginner level fitness program is valid for both men and women. We will make changes according to the regions we want to operate in the following levels.
For example, women may add extra exercises to tighten or enlarge the hip area. Likewise, men may want to focus on the chest and shoulder and arm areas.
It would be most logical to evaluate the general appearance of the body and prepare a program. To do this, you will need very good exercise and muscle knowledge. It may take a few years to learn this information.
As the Fitness&Beast team, we will be happy to share with you the experiences we have gained over the years. Approximately 180 exercise articles on our site (will continue to increase) include in detail all forms of exercise, muscle groups exercised, machines used, and tips on exercises.
Be sure to research moves you don't know. Learn the correct construction forms.
Nutrition forms the basis of this sport. You cannot make any progress if you do not consume the right amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat. You can review the topics in our nutrition section.
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