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what is biophilia and what are its effects on our lives? - Velvet Vista Pro

Humans have always been drawn to the natural world, living dependent on nature and fascinated by its cycles.  Biophilia, which literally mea...

Humans have always been drawn to the natural world, living dependent on nature and fascinated by its cycles. Biophilia, which literally means “love of life,” is the idea that this fascination with and unity with nature stems from an innate, biological need to interact with other forms of life, such as animals and plants.

Although the term was coined by psychologist Erich Fromm, it began to become popular after biologist Edward O. Wilson's book Biophilia , published in 1984 . In this book, Wilson argued that humans' attraction to nature was genetically predetermined and a result of evolution.

According to this theory, humans' fascination with flowers stemmed from the fact that for many plant species, flowers signaled the imminent arrival of fruit (a rich source of food for early humans). Humans' fondness for baby animals shows that establishing relationships with animals and protecting the most vulnerable among them gave early humans an evolutionary advantage.

Biophilia describes the human urge to connect with nature and other living things. The power of nature over humanity can affect our mental health, our hobbies, our travels, our homes and workplaces.

Just as biophilia benefits people; The increasing distance between us and the natural world due to urbanization, technological advances and other factors can also have negative effects on our well-being.

Nature has the ability to create wonder and awe. The beauty and vastness of nature can lead people to contemplate the magnitude of the universe, to put personal concerns into perspective, and to be more mindful of their world and their relationships.

Research suggests that the cognitive benefits of being in nature arise from 'restorative environments' that provide an experience of escape from daily demands and a perception of grandeur. Even after just watching a nature movie or seeing photographs of natural scenes, people experience improved focus times and less mental fatigue.

If we look at it through the lens of evolutionary psychology; People with good connections to landscapes, animals, and water resources were more likely to survive. Survival and subsequent success relied on forming cohesive groups that were not kin-based.

A shared belief in something greater than the individual is an effective mechanism for coordination. Nature and awe have united people since time immemorial in countless collective activities, such as founding universities, organizing symphonies, and voyages to the moon.

Spending time in nature and interacting with animals has beneficial effects on both physical and mental health. For example, time spent in green spaces is associated with lower stress levels, improved memory and increased creativity. Symptoms of ADHD and depression may decrease with increasing time spent outdoors for children and adults. The benefits of spending time in nature can also be physical. One study concluded that a microbe found in soil may improve the body's immune response.

According to one study, those who walked in a scenic area experienced less anxiety and rumination than those who walked in a dense urban area. Longer-term studies also show that living in places with higher concentrations of green spaces is associated with lower stress and greater well-being.

Animals are regularly used in therapeutic settings, and owning a pet has long been associated with positive mental health outcomes. In addition, physical activity, which has known physical and emotional benefits, is generally more common in people living with pets.

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