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What is the purpose and purpose? Goal setting psychology Goal setting system. Velvet Vista Pro

  What is the purpose and purpose?  Goal setting psychology Goal setting system. The goal is the image of the desired future. What is the ta...

 What is the purpose and purpose?

 Goal setting psychology Goal setting system. The goal is the image of the desired future. What is the target? Let's start with the analysis of definitions : Goal - desired result (object of aspiration). What is wanted to be done? The purpose of aspiration is to implement what is necessary, it is desirable. It's not necessarily achievable. Desire, longing, intention, what one is trying to achieve. (Wikipedia) Target , meta, target; vision, intention, end, dream, ideal, longing. For this purpose, for this purpose. The purpose of life, the object of the sweetest dreams. marry intention to achieve a goal, setting a goal, having a goal, pursuing a goal, with a predetermined goal, with a goal (Russian Thesaurus) Goal, philosophical, is an idea that a person tries to realize. 

The concept of C. includes a certain idea, the desire to implement it and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe means by which C. can be implemented. The concept C. is a product of consciousness and will activity, a subjective a priori form of volitional motivation, but by analogy with internal, mental phenomena, the concept C. is transferred to the external objective world; in this case, they talk about the expediency of the world order, about the emergence of phenomena not according to the law of causality, but according to what is determined by the creator of Ts (Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron) Goal - the ideal, mental expectation of the result of activity and ways to achieve it with the help of certain means . AimIt functions as a way to integrate various actions of one person or actions of different people into a single system. (Social Science Dictionary. Dictionary) Findings: A person who is familiar with various definitions of targets can notice close and related words and follow relationships. That is, Goals are connected with desires, aspirations. Goals are about intention. Goals are associated with images and ideas that are "structures" of the future. Goals are related to willpower and consciousness. The target is a process integrator. In general, it is related to the category of purpose - Meaning. Purpose is the basis and also the result of any action. Key Words: Desires, Intentions, Images, Will, Consciousness, Integration, Meaning. Continuing to analyze what the goals are, you intuitively feel all the heterogeneity of the phenomenon. One thing, I went to the store with a specific purpose (or vaguely), another thing, I go in for sports, painting, trade or war. Goals – awareness, values, evil goals, process goals. It should not be forgotten that the ability to set and achieve goals belongs entirely to humans. According to modern scientific data, animals or plants do not have the ability to set goals.

 Their behavior (in the case of animals) is based on instincts and reflexes. However, it should be understood that human goals are sometimes also based on biological needs that determine various forms of behavior. However, the biological need itself, or rather the satisfaction of these needs, is not a goal until it is realized. We can set a goal simply by realizing that we need something. However, the nuances of satisfying needs depend entirely on socio-cultural characteristics and, of course, are associated with the “higher” goals of the individual. Personal goals are not always clear to a person. Depending on culture and upbringing, individual life experience, we do things seemingly aimlessly or without considering the purposes or meanings of the action. In this case, it makes sense to talk about awareness of goals.The more we know and understand ourselves, the better we understand our goals. At the same time, good self-knowledge is associated with effective goal setting and reduces the likelihood of so-called “bad goal” setting. bad goals - these are the ones that take a lot of time and effort, cannot be achieved, and despite the fact that their success is declared in the depths of the soul, a person feels discomfort and rejection of these goals. The reason for the emergence of bad goals will be better understood if we think a little about values ​​​​as elements of a person's orientation in society. From birth and throughout life, a person is immersed in culture and society and in the process of life perceives the values ​​encoded in culture. Based on these values, a person sets goals. However, often goals (if we talk about more global, strategic goals) are already included in cultural education and are taken for granted: you want to grow a tree, build a house and raise a son. The inconsistency of goals with a person's deep values ​​leads to the phenomenon of a “bad” goal. Inconsistency may arise from the influence of other people in personal communication and in business. The influence can be mediated by many factors, both personal contacts and fashionable ideas and ideologies broadcast in the culture. Bad goals cause stress, loss of motivation, and take up too many resources. When we talk about goals, it needs to be important. The goal is not always a future. In a sense, the goal is the elusive present. . The goal may be to have a process with certain properties. For example, I want to preserve my health for as long as possible. Or - I want to receive a certain income for a certain period of time (e.g. monthly). Goals can also be the maintenance or acquisition of a particular state or quality (the goal is to be free, confident, calm).

 It is clear that in this case the goal achievement will be continuous, in this case the activity towards goal achievement is constant. In general, it can be said that there is maximum goal-value harmony when it comes to process goals. Sometimes it is impossible to immediately distinguish between goals and values; In this case, it is probably useful to think of this phenomenon as a multifaceted process with different properties, similar to the particle-wave theory in quantum mechanics. With awareness and understanding of our own values, we greatly facilitate goal setting and the choice of alternatives in various ambiguous situations. Objectives can be sorted by levels: . operational . Tactic . Strategic Operational objectives - daily, immediate objectives that are linked to and enable the achievement of tactical objectives. Operational objectives are rarely determined specifically on their own; rather, it is the concretization of actions to achieve tactical goals. For example, there is a tactical goal such as going to the gym and doing tennis or fitness three times a week. Pursue operational goals, prepare (buy) sports equipment, choose the optimal time for the visit, purchase a subscription. tactical objectives- goals set based on strategic guidelines and identifying the value components of the goal. Tactical objectives are, in fact, steps and tasks towards achieving strategic goals. Strategic goals - these are the most important life goals-values ​​that subjugate and determine the life path of a person or the life path of a group or organization. In a person's life, strategic goals are reflected in all life actions and steps, they form the basis of any activity. In its last incarnation, a person's strategic goals come into contact with such an existential question as the meaning of life. Confusion, uncertainty of strategic goals leads to uncertainty in all areas of human life and brings disappointment and depression. Sometimes, in special situations, strategic goals can weaken their importance. These are situations of acute social crises, wars, social upheavals. In such cases, the importance of tactical goals associated with rapid stabilization of the situation, survival in the biological sense, increases sharply. At the same time, values-based strategic goals never cease to influence a person's entire life, even in critical periods. Sometimes it is during critical periods when new values ​​and strategic goals are formed as a result of intense emotional experience. Goal Characteristics The characteristics of goals reflect the variability and nature of personality development. I will name the main ones. Depth - the impact of the target on different habitats and the degree of this impact. This is a feature of strategic goals. Coherence - degree of connection and impact on other targets. Plastic - Goals and values ​​change over time. Personal values ​​are formed gradually and strategic goals change accordingly. Target accuracy - this is the consistency between strategic goals-values ​​and tactical goals. In a situation where tactical objectives are not aligned with strategic value objectives, tactical objectives will be difficult to implement. Individual nature of goals- goals are always individual. Even if the goals are named the same, each person has individual values ​​and individual meanings behind the goals. The process of goal setting is goal setting. goal setting - practical understanding of a person's activities in terms of establishing (setting) goals and their implementation (achievement) in the most economical (profitable) ways. It is generally understood as the process of selecting one or more goals with the establishment of tolerance parameters for the effective management of a human time resource or the implementation of an idea. Material from Wikipedia Goal setting is a creative process, and the more creative it is, the higher the level of goals. If at the operational and partly tactical level goal setting is more connected with logic and analytical thinking and is often associated with decomposition, at the strategic level it is related to creativity and synthetic thinking. The qualities and abilities required for “good” goal setting are: good knowledge of yourself, your leading motives and values, willpower, creativity and imagination. Of course, logical and structured thinking is also of great importance. Goal setting can often be viewed as a skill that can be improved with proper practice. 

The meaning of goal setting. Goal setting is a manifestation existentiallythe essence of man, the active process of formation of reality. The process of setting goals and achieving more goals is actually free will and one of the needs of the individual. Conscious goal setting is the creation of a vector in the possibility space of life. Setting the goal changes the probability of success and alters the probability lines of other events. Goal setting is creativity that creates the image of a new reality. Goal setting leads to an increase in energy levels, it is a powerful self-motivating factor. Goal setting eliminates uncertainty and reduces anxiety. Existentialism (fr. existentialism from lat. existence - existence), also existential philosophy existentialism- the interconnection of the structures that constitute existence, the existential structure of existence. Rejection of goal setting Rejection of goal setting is expressed in the individual's negative attitude towards the idea of ​​goal setting. It is associated with many factors, for example, uncertainty about why goal setting is actually necessary and how it affects a person's life, insufficient self-knowledge and the presence of contradictory tendencies, intrapersonal conflicts. In such cases, a person literally does not understand what he wants. Self-understanding, conscious goal setting may be associated with the realization of conflict, in which case awareness of values ​​and goals will be blocked by psychological defenses. In addition to interpersonal conflict, rejection of goal setting can be associated with fears caused by the experience of setting and failing to set a goal, as well as lack of knowledge about one's own abilities and resources to achieve and move towards a goal. A person who forms his own values, defines his life spheres, thinks about the desires behind making a particular decision, reduces the degree of uncertainty in his life. Understanding your own bookmarks provides many benefits. Making complex decisions, choosing alternatives, making tactical planning, and achieving goals expressed in concrete results depend significantly on strategic planning. Although it is necessary to understand: planning is essentially a continuous process. Living conditions change, personality develops, some preconditions and values ​​that affect decision-making are revised. Constantly making probabilistic predictions, taking into account emerging opportunities, comparing them with values ​​and making decisions is a habit that allows you to live more efficiently and makes life more conscious and successful. However, planning should not be a dogma. Planning is a way of looking at reality. If you are looking at the monitor screen right now, you will see the truth. When you start thinking about your values, your goals, your directions, your desired events, you see future reality. The better you understand values ​​and goals, which are vector options for values, the more clearly you will see the future. In the context of personal development, it is noteworthy that by seeing the future, you have the opportunity to choose it, strengthening your degree of freedom. It is likely that before or at the very beginning of target identification work, there will be some crust, an alluvium layer on this reservoir. The practical consequence of this will be to pay close attention to stated values ​​and goals. The correlation of goals and values ​​​​among themselves and the clarification of all "dubious" moments is the task of independent work of a person at this stage. Independent work is possible here with introspection . By asking ourselves as many questions as possible (why, what gives, etc.), we come closer to better understanding our values ​​and goals. Answers should be recorded during self-analysis. Sometimes they can be quite unexpected. Goal setting methods and goal setting principles Ä°. The key to setting a good goal is to know yourself. Accordingly, goal setting should begin with examining and examining oneself, one's values, the relationship of existing goals, and their mutual influence. This point is often overlooked or bracketed in the path of goal setting and achieving more goals. Often, for personal goal setting, it is recommended to use management methods that actually have a “task character” and are not goal setting methods, but methods of critical analysis of goals. (e.g. SMART methodology). Such techniques can be used for tactical target acquisition, but make little sense for a strategic goal. The disadvantage of such methods is the principles on which they are based. Strategic goal setting should begin with an analysis of a person's values ​​and key attitudes. In fact, which aid in deep self-discovery : methods guided imagination, Socratic dialogue with a trained consultant, testing methods (for example, Rokich's CO), free discussions in a group, brainstorming . The next stage is the analysis of key areas of human life, directions of development and important human niches. A simple example: Family, Work, Me, etc. Structuring living spaces in different ways reflects the picture of a person's world and the nature of his values ​​and attitudes. The goal is part of the dream. It means expressing a dream in a concrete, real way, that is, making it a goal. It means to accomplish a goal, to realize it, to realize it, to put it into practice, to make it a reality. Goal setting problems and technologies in education. It is for pedagogical activity purposes. At the same time, the goals and objectives solved by teachers are socially significant, as they are a reflection of the common goals and objectives facing society. Before addressing educational goal setting problems, let's define the concept of goal. There are at least three interpretations of this concept. Goal:

 1) expected result of the activity; 

2) subject projection of the future;

 3) a desired subjective image of events before their reflection in a person's mind. 

From now on, by the goal in training we mean the expected result - the educational product , which can be internal or external, but must be created and diagnosed within a certain period of time, i.e. The target must be verifiable. Also note:The goal is different from the task. The task is part of the goal. Each goal is a task related to the higher goal. The concepts that come before the target are values. , meaning, task, intention . The content of these concepts is a separate and very important problem, but in this case it is not taken into account. The problem of creating an educational goal-setting institution. Goal setting has always been present as an element of any learning system. . Another thing is that not all subjects of education can participate in goal setting. For example, during the Soviet period, most educational and training goals were determined "from above". There was no political organization, no scientific goal-setting institution. For example, for a long time, the Scientific Research Institute for Content and Methods of Teaching (NII SiMO) was engaged in methodological support of schools, the name of which clearly defines the scope of its influence on school education in the country, that is, content and teaching methods, but not goals. And it must be admitted that today, unfortunately, there is no full-fledged educational goal-setting institution in the country. This already leads to the formulation of vague goals and unattainable benchmarks at the level of state educational goal setting. As an example, let us cite the setting of goals in the report “On the development of education in the Russian Federation (State Council of the Russian Federation, April 2006): "Promotion. New horizons of Russian education. The purpose of this document is to create a unified national strategy for the innovative, advanced development of Russian education, “To ensure a qualitative breakthrough and on this basis - a new quality of life for the country; the document provides for the coordination of joint activities of state power and society in the main areas of implementation of this strategy.” Analysis of this piece concludes that the stated objectives are not developed: 

1. The document needs to establish a strategy. Frankly, it is impossible to create a strategy with a document.

 2. "Qualitative breakthrough in Russian education" - It is not clear what kind of breakthrough, where and from where. 

3. "... and on this foundation ..." - What is this foundation, nothing is said about it. 

4. "The country's new quality of life" - What is the new quality and according to what? 

5. "Coordination of joint activities of state power and society in the main areas of application of this strategy" - If there is no clearly defined strategy, there is nothing to coordinate. However, a strategy is indicated in the slogan of the analyzed document: " From competitive education to the competitiveness of Russia". Once upon a time such a strategy already existed and was called "catch and pass." Such an external reference is unlikely to meet the aspirations of millions of people as the main goal of education. It follows from the above that due to the lack of detailing of the target block, the analyzed document will not have a positive impact on the real situation in education. Similar problems may be found in other education-related documents. This is because there is no scientific approach in designing the meaning, goals and strategy of education. Clearly, research in this area is relevant and necessary not only for didactics and other pedagogical disciplines. Educational objectives include:state regulatory, public, national-regional, school, individual goals of teachers, students, their parents. Depending on educational paradigms and didactic systems, educational goals can be the development of knowledge, skills, abilities, building relationships, creative self-realization, self-determination, career guidance, etc. exam, university entrance etc. Technology of cultivation of the goals and values ​​of education. Objectives are not the first element of instructional design. They come before values ​​and meanings. Although this is a separate scientific problem, the complexity of their consideration lies not so much in determining the values ​​and meanings of education. The main difficulty lies in consolidating various educational subjects, mainly related to the chosen values. For example, two opposite meanings of education are known: “to have” and “to be”. Educators and philosophers are exploring these and other meanings, but their work is not yet finished. Let's assume that the goals and values ​​of education are defined by scientists. What to do with them now? Are there tools and technologies for the formation of values ​​and goals in pedagogy? We offer a technology for cultivating values ​​and goals that is based on a personal paradigm and reveals the heuristic nature of education. The main stages of this technology are as follows: 

1. At the first stage, existing values ​​​​in people, society, philosophy are revealed. For the student, the result of such an identification is formalized in the form of the so-called "I-image", which determines what is important to him, who he sees himself as in the future, why he needs to improve himself and how this will happen. useful to him. This picture of personal value is primary.

 2. To provide students with similar values. The program offers to get acquainted with other values ​​that exist in different cultures. The aim is to enable the student to see others through his own image of values. 

3. Comparison of personal values ​​with others - cultural analogues, not necessarily similar, but also opposite. Here by analogy we mean the same object of value, for example, attitude towards war and peace. This stage of comparing different values ​​is carried out in training situations. The student not only learns something else, he transforms his primary "self-image", develops his own value base. 

4. Escort. This is the role of the program in relation to the student's process of self-determination. Moreover, we are not talking about "bringing" the student to the "required" values, but about ensuring that their value system develops over others. 

5. Reflection. This is an indispensable feature of any personally significant and self-organized activity. With respect to value-based activities, reflection becomes a criterion, a measure of their authenticity and effectiveness. Reflex (late lat. reflex - return, reflection) a theoretical form of human activity aimed at comprehending one's own actions and laws; Self-knowledge activity that reveals the characteristics of a person's spiritual world. The advantage of this approach is that it depends on the individual. In this case, when there are any changes in society or politics, it will not always be necessary to look for new values ​​that need to be "accepted" by young people, but to ensure the student's trajectory in relation to any of them. new value scales. Student's personal goal setting belongs to educational fields and educational technologies. For a student to set a personal educational goal in the field of education, this requires the following procedures: first, the establishment of a personal relationship of the student with the object of goal setting (object, concept, process, phenomenon, basic educational object) that reveals and realizes his personal qualities in relation to the object ( for example, love of nature when examining a plant); secondly, the formation of the personal meaning and (or) image of the basic educational object, that is, the definition of what is in the object that is connected with the personality of the subject who recognizes it; thirdly, the choice of the type of relationship or type of activity for interaction with the object, for example, the study of its chemical, mathematical, ethical properties. Another type of student goal is educational technology-related goal setting. Knowledge of basic educational objects of educational fields requires the student to choose techniques, methods and technologies, that is, the student's goals in the field of applied educational technologies. In other words, the student's educational goals relate not only to the objects studied, but also to the ways of working (mastering) these objects. To set goals in educational technologies, the student applies the same procedures as goal setting in educational fields: he forms a personal attitude towards existing types and methods of activity, chooses methods of activity appropriate to his individual characteristics, learns. the essence and structure of the selected types of activities, plans for the development and implementation of their actions. To develop student abilities such as goal setting, planning, rule setting, self-determination, reflection, self-evaluationuse of the training course. Then the development of these qualities will occur without spending additional time during lessons on the topics of the course. The student, both in the study of individual subjects and in terms of general education, is faced with the need for personal self-determination and the need to set or choose goals when certain actions are required. Therefore, one of the sources of goals is situations of educational tension or emerging problems, identified contradictions. Goal setting in such cases is a result of reflexive awareness of emerging situations.

 Khutorskoy Andrey Viktorovich, Dr. pad. Sciences, Academician of the International Pedagogical Academy The purpose of an activity is its expected result. Setting a goal means predicting, anticipating the expected outcome. Often the goals declared in the curriculum differ significantly from the real life orientations and interests of students, which is the reason for the discrepancy between what is desired and what is realized in learning. To prevent this undesirable phenomenon, it is necessary to introduce students to the procedure for setting educational goals from the very beginning of the study of the course, section or subject. The following groups of students can be targeted: Personal goals - understanding the goals of education: gaining faith in oneself, in one's potential; realization of certain individual abilities. Topic objectives- the formation of a positive attitude towards the subject being studied; knowledge of the basic concepts, phenomena and laws involved in the subject under study; development of skills in using the simplest devices; solving typical or creative problems on the subject; creative goals - compiling a collection of tasks; writing a natural science treatise; designing a technical model; drawing a picture. cognitive goals - knowledge of objects of the surrounding reality; study ways to solve emerging problems, master the skills of working with primary sources; setting up an experiment; do experiments. Organizational goals- mastering the skills of self-organization of educational activities; the ability to set a goal, plan activities; developing group work skills; Mastering the discussion technique. At the beginning of teaching a particular educational subject, the goals may be: 

A) form a holistic image of the subject (find out its meaning, why it is needed, what it consists of, what its features are; formulate the most interesting questions for yourself);

 B) creating an image of activity on a new topic, performing the main activities, for example: researching a problem, preparing a report, writing an article, etc. 

C) through the initial training products created and tested activities, we will publish them to set individual goals on the topic over a period of time that will be visible to them; 

D) To prepare, for a foreseeable period of time, a curriculum that includes its personal component, that is, the objectives of the subject. The list of goals may also look like this: 

1) master specific training materials;

 2) learn the basic concepts and laws of the subject;

 3) prepare a report on one of the problems (specify); 

4) conducts independent research on the selected topic (specify); 

5) mastering the methods of studying and explaining the phenomena studied on the subject; 

6) consider in depth specific issues of the topic (list them); 

7) demonstrate and develop their abilities (name them); 

8) organize your work on the chosen topic: set achievable goals, make a realistic plan, implement it and evaluate your results; 

9) learn to argue, argue logically when studying the topic; 

10) learn to solve issues and problems on the subject; A special place in student-centered learning is occupied by the method of teaching students goal setting. There are general conditions for the student to complete the goal setting procedure: . the presence of a cognitive aspiration of the student; . definition of its purpose and subject; . the student's ability to determine the relevance of the goal to its subject; . representation of the image of the intended result of their activities in relation to the purpose subject; . verbal (verbal) formulation of the goal; . foresight and predicting how the goal will be achieved; . availability of means to achieve the goal; . proportion of results achieved with the target; . setting the target. Until recently, one of the most frequently quoted rules of life was the statement of N. Ostrovsky: “Life ... aimlessly (our emphasis ZN) lived years. Let's think about it: he lived not "in vain", but "uselessly". Goal - this is a conscious, expressed in words, expectation of the future result of activity. There are various definitions of purpose in the pedagogical literature: a) the goal is an element of the educational process; system forming factor; b) the goal is a criterion for the effectiveness of the pedagogical system; c) purpose is what the teacher and the higher education institution as a whole aim for. There is no point in designing a "good learning process" with "good content" if there is no clear definition of the end goal. That's why they say that the purpose of education performs the system-forming function of pedagogical activity, since the choice of content, method and educational tools depends on its definition. The types of pedagogical goals are diverse. Distinguishable normative state goals of education, public goals, initiative goals of teachers themselves. Regulatory government goals - these are the most general goals defined in state documents, state educational standards. There are parallel public purposes - goals of various sectors of society, reflecting their needs, interests and demands for vocational training. For example, specific goals include the employer's goals. These requests are taken into account by teachers, various types of specializations, different teaching concepts are created. Initiative Goals - these are immediate goals developed by practicing teachers themselves and their students, taking into account the type of educational institution, profile of specialization and subject, the level of development of students, the preparation of teachers. Education will be effective only when it satisfies the need for discovery, not the need for knowledge. The teacher's job is to help the student make these discoveries. In the statement made in this context , the meaning of the purpose of education consists of: replace an empty mind with an open mind .

 The traditional "knowledge" (enlightenment) education model, which does not meet the needs of the modern socio-cultural environment, has exhausted itself. But the question arises: What kind of paradigm to choose? New goals and goal setting in education ? Many scientists in the humanities believe that, according to the new guidelines, the goal of education should be aimed at creating an image of culture and its creator - a person of culture. Undoubtedly, the culturological paradigm is one of the most suitable paradigms for the implementation of modern goals and goal setting in the organization of the education system in the 21st century. And now in more detail about the essence and meaning of the concept of "goal setting". Goal setting in the most general sense - this is a practical understanding of one's activities, this is setting goals and achieving them. Change for the better in the life of every person depends on their own actions. Goal setting not only helps determine the success of these actions, formulate basic life goals, set priorities and increase a person's personal success. What makes a person actively perform certain actions and make efforts? What motivates him? Purpose is the guiding star that fills us with vitality. It is great to see the target and go where you want. The goal is the realization of a dream. Everyone is free to choose their goals. And to realize the goal means to put it into practice, to make it a reality. If a dream is a kind of chaos in our head, then the goal is the result of the reflections of the logical mind. The mind understands only goals - clear, harmonious, justified. What will you choose? Live, just follow the mind or connect to intuition. It would be better if they work as a team. Our dreams are often global, and the specific steps to take to achieve them are not always clear. If the dream is divided into goals, we will see its direction. The goal is achievable , it just needs to be explained specifically. Whatever we do, we are always moving towards a specific goal that is part of the dream. How to distinguish a dream from a goal? First, there must be a belief that it is possible to achieve this.

If you have even the slightest doubt, you need to break the dream into smaller steps until you feel that each step towards the goal becomes real for you. Any large business is unbearable until you start breaking it down into its components. goal setting - this is a practical understanding of one's activities, this is the setting of goals and their achievement. Goal setting is not magic. Change for the better in the life of every person depends on their own actions. Goal setting helps a person identify and prioritize key life goals and increase personal success. In goal setting, it is important to identify and set goals. As they say - "what is written with a pen cannot be cut with an axe" . A goal written in detail is more likely to be achieved . We may or may not believe in the goal, but the method of writing desires works independently of us. Our subconscious is involved in active work and we need to believe in success. Often a person cannot describe in words what he wants. Therefore, it is imperative to formulate a goal because we spend our time, effort and money to achieve this goal. And the formulated goal makes each next step meaningful and inspires confidence. A positive attitude in goal setting and a time limit to achieve the goal are also important. Making a schedule is the first step. And you need to keep the target in constant focus. And get back to your goal with something distracting you. An integral part of goal setting is visualization , with sensations, moods, actions painted in colors. You have a choice - to go with the flow of your life, which does not bring satisfaction, or to follow the path of a successful person who knows what he wants and chooses the direction of his movement. By achieving your goals and realizing your dreams, you can say that I have a happy life that brings pleasure and joy. goal setting goal setting - the process of selecting one or more goals with the establishment of tolerance parameters to control the process of implementation of the idea. It is generally understood as a practical understanding as an effective management of a temporary human-made resource by the most economical (profitable) means of a person's activities in terms of the establishment (setting) and implementation (achievement) of goals. activity. goal setting - the primary stage of management, which provides for setting a general goal and a set of goals (a goal tree) in accordance with the purpose (task) of the system, strategic settings and the nature of the tasks being solved. The term "goal setting" is used to describe short-term training courses - trainings - popular in the business environment, studying planning systems, time management techniques, as a result of which the following should be achieved: the ability to plan working time, taking into account the importance of tasks, short-term and long-term prospects; the ability to determine the most appropriate ways to solve problems; the ability to set goals and achieve them.

 The result of goal setting is to increase labor efficiency in production and service and reduce the total cost of ownership of the solution. Goal setting is also one of the main components of proto-training (trainings given by Epstein MM, EGM BTK), which is positioned among business trainings as the key to the formation of a successful organizer and manager. Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 . See what "Goal setting" is in other dictionaries: Goal setting… Spelling Dictionary Encyclopedia of Sociology goal setting - regarding the outlines and procedures of T sritis Å¡vietimas apibrėžtis of tikslo kÄ—limas situations, kuriame vyraujantys motyvai lemia numatomo veiklos rezultato pasirinkimÄ…. Tai specifinis žmogaus veiklos komponentas, lemiantis kitus jos komponentus… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas goal setting - goal setting, I ... Russian spelling dictionary GOAL SETTING - the process of verifying and establishing the development goals of a managed object based on the analysis of social needs for its products and services and the real possibilities of their most complete satisfaction ... Big Dictionary of Economics GOAL SETTING - rethinking the place it occupies in the economic, social and production structure of the world... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy GOAL SETTING - English. achievement of the goal/objective; German Zielverfolgung. The meaning-making content of practice, which consists in the formation of a goal as a subjectively ideal image of what is desired (goal formation) and its concretization as a result of objectively real activity ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Sociology GOAL SETTING - the process of establishing and supporting goals by an individual or collective entity; It begins at the level of needs (see), goes beyond the level of motives (see) and is determined at the goal. The goal is formed when a motive is satisfied (as a conscious desire ... ... Russian sociological encyclopedia goal setting - setting goals based on the subject of activity. 

(1) … Glossary of general and social pedagogy terms GOAL SETTING - this definition means creating a goal, thinking about the image of the desired future ... Dictionary of Career Guidance and Psychological Support of your book Modern local criminal process: system of goal setting, goals, tasks and functions, means Alexey Pavlovich Popov. Last year, a monograph was published by this well-known writer, a serious investigator and an experienced employee of internal affairs bodies, “Target identification in modern domestic crimes ... electronic book Course under GEF conditions. Goal setting. technology. Performance evaluation (CD). 

Federal State Educational Standard, Pashkevich Alexander Vasilievich. This CD "Lesson in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard. Goal setting. Technology. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the "Methodological Laboratory" series" contains a systematic analysis ... Reading time: 3 min Goal setting is the selection of one or several goals with the definition of permissible deviation parameters to control the process of implementing ideas. Most often, of course, in terms of setting goals by a person and their implementation (success), as the best control over the resource of time determined by the activities of the subjects, as a practical awareness of their own activities. Goal setting is a type of primary management stage that involves determining the main goal or a set of objectives corresponding to the goal, strategic instructions (strategic goal setting) and the nature of the tasks to be solved. Goal setting process The concept of goal setting is used to name short training sessions that study planning systems, time resource management methods; This results in: the ability to plan working time taking into account near (distant) expectations and the importance of the set tasks; ability to identify optimal solutions; the ability to set goals and achieve them. The process of goal setting is the starting point in any activity of individuals because there is no goal outside the activity. Goal setting principles are used in almost all areas of activity. There are 10 key moments in the goal setting process.

 1. Unconscious needs underlie any activity. A need is an objective need for something. Needs are often imposed on subjects, meaning they exist independently of the individual's will. So, for example, a person must breathe, drink and eat in order to live. Basically, you can take Maslow's hierarchy of needs - from lowest to highest. 

2. Often a perceived need is a motivation. However, since the individual includes many different needs in the life process, the subject's unified motivational system is described as quite complex, contradictory and partially conscious. In psychology, there is a phenomenon called the struggle of motives. This means that motives have a hierarchical system of importance and compete with each other. The most important or winning motive is purpose. The components of the motivational process are motivations, that is, conscious arguments that prove and explain the importance of the motivation. 

3. The goal is an objectified desire, that is, the individual's understanding of what he wants. This is a perfect image that distorts reality. As an ideal image, it contains formulations, arguments, predictions and expectations, fantasies, assumptions, etc. It is a very complex formation. Nowadays, the goal is understood as a conscious and rational phenomenon, but you cannot ignore the emotional one. - figurative roots that affect how it is perceived. 

4. Internal potential prediction mechanisms are used to select the target. An event with a higher degree of subjective probability is more often selected for staging. 

5. With the target as an internal image, the actual result and the subjective prediction are always separated.

 6. The image of the process of achieving the goal and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe resources spent are always included in the image of the goal. Planning is a conscious analysis (description) and a written determination of the steps and resources required to achieve the goal.

 7. Ideas about ongoing processes and implementation resources spent will always differ from what actually exists. Even the most ideal planning introduces some errors that need to be corrected in the process.

 8. The more clearly and distinctly the goal is realized and presented, the more intense the motivational processes to achieve it and the more active in achieving the result. 

9. The more intense the motivation at the beginning, the more the subjective power of the goal is impaired. 

10. In psychology, there is a fairly well-known law of motivation called the goal gradient. It lies in the fact that the closer the individual comes to the result, the stronger the motivation and the more intense the activity activity. The goal setting process is quite long and complex.

 Its complexity lies in the need to transform unconscious desires into a clearly and distinctly formulated goal, to build a mental plan of actions and resources necessary to achieve a result. And the duration of goal setting is determined by the fact that the beginning of the activity does not end only with the choice of a goal. During the event, many inconsistencies arise between the image and the current results. The basics of goal setting are the key to the realization of desires and ideas. Goals and goal setting A goal is something that a person wants to achieve, an object of desire, a desired outcome, something that is desired to be achieved but is not necessarily achievable. In philosophy, purpose refers to the idea that the individual wants to realize. It appears to be a product of conscious activity and will, a subjective form of voluntary motivation, but, similar to internal mental phenomena, the concept of the goal is transferred to the external objective world. The goal is an ideal internal foresight of the results of the activity and the possibilities of achieving it with the help of certain tools. Therefore, the goal is linked to the individual's wishes and desires, intentions, ideas about the future, consciousness and will. That is, it is the basis of any action, action and will also be its final result. Goals are ranked at three levels: The first level is the operational goal. These are immediate, daily goals that are secondary to tactics. They are rarely defined by themselves; rather, it is the concretization of actions in achieving tactical objectives. The second level is tactical objectives. They go beyond strategic directives. Tactical objectives specify components such as their values. In fact, they are steps and tasks aimed at achieving goals of a strategic nature. The third level is strategic objectives. They are the most important among other life goals. They determine the life progression path of a person, a group of people or an organization as a whole. The individual's life determines strategic goals with all its manifestations and life stages. They are the guiding factor of any activity. The nature and variability of personality formation reflects the characteristics of goals. These include: depth, consistency, plasticity, accuracy. The depth of goals lies in thei

r impact on different areas of life and the level of this impact. This feature characterizes strategic goals. The degree of interdependence and impact on other goals is determined by such a property as consistency. Over time, any goal undergoes transformation - plasticity is responsible for this. As values ​​are gradually formed, strategic goals also change. The consistency between tactical goals and strategic values-goals is determined by such a feature as the accuracy of goals. The main characteristic feature of targets is their individuality. Even though they are named the same, each person has certain personal values ​​and subjective meanings for their goals. Goal setting is the process of setting goals. This process is a form of creativity. And the higher the level of the goal, the more creative the process will be. At the operational and somewhat tactical levels, the goal setting process is more associated with analytical thinking and logic, while at the strategic level it is associated with creativity and synthetic thinking. In order for the goal setting process to be successful, the individual must know himself, his leading motives and values, be creative and strong-willed, and have a good imagination. Structured thinking and logic also play a big role. In general, goal setting is a skill that can be improved with proper practice. The meaning of goal setting is the manifestation of the existential essence of the individual, i.e. It is the process of actively unraveling reality. This is one of the basic needs of the individual. Goal setting aims to increase energy levels. This is a powerful self-motivating factor. Goal setting minimizes or eliminates anxiety and reduces uncertainty. But refusal to set goals can be associated with personal conflicts, with a lack of knowledge about personal potential, resources of action and achievements, with fears caused by the experience of setting goals without achieving goals. The principles of goal setting and developing the structure of goals lie in consistency and interrelationship. Planning and goal setting The most important thing for an individual striving to achieve success in life is planning and goal setting.

After all, achieving the goal means winning. Successful subjects win, unsuccessful ones try to win. This is the main difference between targeted and non-targeted actions. First of all, goal setting is a goal to be achieved. It tracks needs, gains motivation, and then works directly on success. The need to set goals and create plans for the implementation of this goal setting is the basic need of the individual, which distinguishes humans and society from animals. Happiness and satisfaction with an individual's life depends on competent goal setting. Luck is a process characterized by regularity and begins with a plan. Success can be achieved much faster if there is a strategic plan. In personal strategic planning, it best reveals the potential of goal setting. Strategic subjective planning contributes to: determine the most important aspects, find the purpose and meaning of life; making positively charged decisions and improving the future; focusing on what really matters; achieve the highest results in the shortest possible time; a significant increase in the level of efficiency of their own actions; enjoy more complete balance, freedom and money; elimination of fear, anxiety, uncertainty and doubt; use their own skills and development more effectively; improving overall calm and quality of life; more production, which ultimately leads to greater results. Strategic goal setting is based on the fact that individuals' lives will not go according to plan if there is no plan itself. The goal setting process is inextricably linked to the hierarchy of needs. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs was created without considering the distribution according to probabilistic levels of implementation. They themselves are expressed in general forms and only in a specific internal connection. It follows that the satisfaction of a need at one level can completely close the problem of that need. This means that this need will not develop further. Movement is directed from the satisfaction of the needs of one level to the next. 

That is, the satisfaction of material needs comes before the need for personal development. However, as practice shows, the satisfaction of one material need requires the emergence of other material needs and does not necessarily lead to a need for development. Thus, Maslow's pyramid is formed from a position of two-way direction of movement, i.e. Satisfaction of the needs of one level in the future leads to movement in two directions: satisfaction of the needs of the same level or satisfaction of the needs of the next level. It is this two-way movement that is at the heart of goal setting, determining what needs to be done, and planning. At the same time, goal setting implies the fulfillment of two tasks. The first is to close the current level of the pyramid and move on to the next higher level. The second is to move on to a need at a similar level of the next pyramid. The same applies to planning: what needs to be done to move to the next level and what actions need to be taken to move to the same level of the next pyramid. Strategic planning is a systematic, consistent and logical process based on rational (reasonable) thinking. However, it is also the art of estimating, choosing and investigating alternative solutions. Generalized goal setting, based on the levels of the pyramid, involves a particular person describing his own tasks according to the corresponding levels. Concretization of individuals' actions and planning of movement are applied for goal setting. goal setting lesson In scientific studies, the following definitions of goals are most commonly used: an expected result of an activity, an objective reflection of the future, an individual image of what is desired beyond the reflection of circumstances in the individual's mind. In education, the goal is understood as the expected result, i.e. An educational product that must be real and specific. Goal setting is the problem of the modern lesson today. The basics of goal setting are the most important element in achieving successful activity. After all, the way to achieve them and the final results depend on how well the goals are formulated and concreted. The essence of the problem lies in changing goals, a formal approach, overestimated goals, setting own goals for teachers. The substitution of goals lies in the fact that teachers often feel moral satisfaction not from the results of the lesson, but from what students do in the classroom. There is a substitution of learning goals for achievement tools. The formal approach lies in the vagueness and ambiguity of the goals formulated by the teacher, which leads to misunderstanding of these goals by students and the teacher. Overestimated targets are global and local depending on their scale. 

Often a lesson sets a global goal that cannot be achieved in one lesson. The goal associated with a particular lesson is called a local goal. Teachers setting personal goals causes students not to set goals for themselves and as a result, they become bored in the classroom. Goal setting in pedagogy refers to the process of discovering the tasks and goals of subjects of educational activity (students and teachers), their explanation to each other, coordination and achievement. Goal is what a person strives for, what needs to be achieved. Teaching, personality building and training objectives are determined in the lessons. They must be identifiable (i.e., verifiable using specific tools), specific, understandable, conscious, describing the desired outcome, real, motivating, accurate. It follows that the purpose of the lesson is the result planned to be achieved through the use of didactic, methodological and psychological techniques. Learning objectives include the acquisition of knowledge, practical skills and abilities by students. Educational goals contribute to the development of a positive attitude towards the knowledge system and the learning process itself, the formation of beliefs, ideas, positions, characteristics and qualities of a person, self-esteem, independence and the acquisition of experience of normal behavior. in any society. The development of goals (formative) contributes to the formation of special and educational skills, improvement of thought processes, formation of the emotional sphere, dialogue, monologue, culture of communication, implementation of self-esteem and self-control and in general. the development and formation of the individual's personality. Goal setting organization One of the most important problems of today's society is the problem of personal formation. That is, the development of a personality that can not only survive in rapidly changing economic and social conditions, but also actively affects the existing reality. The main place among the description of the characteristics of such a person is occupied by a rather relevant ability, which consists in independently setting goals and achieving them using the most appropriate and adequate means. However, in psychological science, the problem of mechanisms and factors for the formation of goal setting in the processes of ontogenetic development of personality is practically unresolved. There is no doubt that an individual is not immediately born with a ready-made ability for individual goal setting. In the process of subjective development, the formation of goal setting goes through a number of certain stages. The baby has great potential, but he doesn't know how to do anything. Only in the first year of life, he begins to master his body, develops hand movements through manipulations with various objects. And at this time, the adult who helps to carry out such manipulations acts as a partner for joint activities for the baby. By the end of the first year of life, children take actions due to purposefulness and the ability to find and implement certain ways to achieve results is formed. That is, the objective actions of children become aimed at achieving a desired result. As individual experience accumulates, objective actions, built one after the other, begin to become more complex. The reason for such activity belongs to the child, but the goal belongs to the adult. The development of goal setting is due to the special role of adults as partners of the child in collective activity, which provides all the necessary conditions for the formation of his possible possibilities. Today, various methods, techniques and methods have been developed that improve the ability to set goals and contribute to distinguishing the real goal from all the “want”.

 Goal setting training is aimed at developing goal setting skills in various areas of life, helping to understand the selection of basic goals and ways to achieve them, technology, principles and the development of goal setting in general. Goal setting training teaches goal setting rules, SMART technologies, situation analysis, etc. It helps to determine priorities using Goal setting methods and goal setting techniques allow you to create effective motivations and good internal states to move in the right direction, meeting the needs of the individual. target setting technology Often, the question of why individuals fail to achieve their goals is intertwined with another - why instead of the expected result, they receive a completely different result. The methods of goal setting that exist today focus mainly on the technology of achieving goals, while not paying enough attention to fundamental questions: under what conditions the value of the formulated goal is preserved, how accurately it should be formulated, how to understand it. Consistency of existing opportunities and the set goal. The technology of goal setting lies in the assimilation of the fact that goals are different from dreams and desires, because they contain an image of the desired future along with a focus on activities to achieve such a future. It involves goals, personal efforts, risks, willpower, but in addition, there is a calculation of the potential for success. The main mistake in the implementation of established goals is inadequate assessment of available resources. A truly successful and successful subject must master the skill of correctly setting goals. By knowing your own life's purpose, you can start setting short-term goals, such as one month, one year, or three years. The SMART methodology is designed to help formulate these correctly. Today it is considered the most effective among other methods. 

Therefore, targets must have the following characteristics: specificity (Specific); measurability (Measurable); accessibility (Achievable); focusing on a specific outcome (Results-oriented); The rate with a certain period of time, a temporary resource (Timed). Concreteness (precision) lies in the specificity of the expression. It should be stated clearly. Otherwise, it is possible to achieve a result that is significantly different from the planned one. The accuracy of statements determines the clarity of actions. And this is an indispensable condition for its correct execution. Measurability is the impossibility of tracking the success of a result if there are no specific measurable parameters. The attainability of the goal lies in their use as an incentive in solving any problem and, therefore, further progress due to the achievement of success. When setting goals, it should be taken into account that under no circumstances should they lead to an increase in stressful situations in one's own life. It is necessary to formulate relatively complex goals that require effort, but it should also be taken into account that they must necessarily be achievable. Goals should be characterized in terms of outcome, not work done. This is how the most effective result is achieved by goal setting. For example, it is possible to define and express a goal that a person comes to work an hour early, but if the expected result of such an action is not defined, then an extra hour can be spent drinking coffee and chatting with colleagues. Absolutely any goal must be associated with a certain period of achievement. This means that the goal, as a real category, must be feasible in a certain time dimension. For example, “to build a house” is a goal formulated by illiterate people, and “to build a house by the end of this year” is a more competent expression if the house is not built by the end of the year, therefore the goal remains unrealized, that is, unrealized. Also, perseverance, luck and the use of visualization techniques and the realization of thoughts help in the implementation of goals. Mastering the art of competent goal setting is important enough, but not fundamental to achieving the desired result. An important factor for the implementation of goals is that they should not be postponed until tomorrow, next month or next year. Today everything needs to be done according to plan. In addition to the correct formulation of goals, you need to regularly analyze and record all your achievements. After all, tracking results is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and creativity for new deeds and victories.

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